Leslie Case
As Executive Director, Leslie Case leads the administration of the birdSEED housing justice grant program working with the guidance of the birdSEED Advisory Board. Over 25 years ago when Leslie and her husband purchased their first home they relied on the support of their families, so she knows the support a birdSEED grant can give to a first time home buyer. Leslie is at her best when impacting the lives of others - from young people learning new skills to programs that transform cities. Organizing events, working with teams and driving results are the common threads in her experience.
Most recently, Leslie focused on spending time assisting not for profit organizations her four children were involved with including the Seneca Valley Pony Club and Destination Imagination. Leslie was a founding board member and director of the Future Problem Solving Program of Connecticut, an educational program teaching creative problem solving skills to students and actively participated in organizing national and international competitions. She was the executive director of the Tennis and Baseball Foundations of Connecticut - home of an ATP Tour international tennis tournament and the New Haven Ravens. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut’s Honors Program and splits her time between Maryland and DC with her husband Scott and rescue dogs and cat.